Monday, 3 September 2012

Comfort In The Place Of Prayer

It is not unusual to find people praying and spending long hours in meetings doing so. Sadly if most people examined what they call prayer in the light of scriptures, they will probably use their time in a better way. Listening to the content of most people’s prayers will make one wonder how far they can go in life with it. Unfortunately, that is the bondage that most people find themselves in, simply because they never found out the truth, or because they refused to study the bible, or because they were never taught the right things by their instructors. Irrespective of how such a sorry state arose, it is clear that God cannot go outside the bounds of His word. He would not say because someone has spent several hours in prayers, praying amiss outside His will, that He should countenance such prayers. That is why it is very good for us to keep in mind why we do things.

Prayer is not a tool that we use to get God to do what He does not want to do, or to do what we want Him to do. The fact that God tells us to ask and receive will expose us to disappointment if we take it to mean asking for anything outside His will. We see scriptures instructing us to pray without ceasing and at all times. James 5:13-17 speaks of different situations that confront men, and commends prayers in certain instances. However, before we open our mouths to pray, we should ask ourselves certain questions to be sure that we are doing the right thing. Many times we find ourselves in circumstances that are unpalatable and we seek a way out.  Most of the time people are quick to turn to prayers, but before going ahead, it is important for us to be in the right frame of mind. We should realize that prayer, rather than a tool for getting things from God is a medium of relating with God, finding out His will and aligning ourselves with that will.  Before we open our mouths to pray, we should have settled at the back of our minds what is propelling us. James 5:11-17 and Philippians 4:6 gives certain insights in this regard.

Php 4:6 commends us to eschew anxiety, but rather commit our burdens to God in prayers. Anxiety basically means fretting and worrying over situations. Essentially we learn from here that before we get ourselves into prayer we should get ourselves into a state where we are not worried such that our prayers are not motivated by anxiety, but by faith in God. Sadly a lot of us take decisions that are not motivated by God’s word, but by our present circumstances, forgetting that we are dealing with a great and wonderful God – the One who is in charge of our lives. As a consequence, we are downed by circumstances. The Bible says we should not be anxious about anything. It is only when our trust is in the living God, that we can do this. Rather than worry about our circumstances, we should see that God is in there with us. He has not left us alone in our trials. If a person born again realizes this truth, it will fill him/her with confidence.

Before we open our mouths to pray, we should ask ourselves if we trust in the Person of God with whom nothing is impossible. Granted we may be going through difficult, situations that should cause us to worry, nevertheless we are instructed not to entertain anxiety. There is someone in charge of our situation who has not lost control and who will always be in charge. Our problems stems primarily from the fact that we cannot see God in our situation. We think He is not acting on or behalf or is oblivious of our situation.  However, that is not true, for his commitment to us goes beyond what we can see or do not see. His posture towards us does not change (James 1:17). We should never allow circumstances rob us off confidence in God. Irrespective of our situations we should not be anxious, knowing that He is in control. God never stops working on our behalf. Things may be rough and unpalatable, but it does not change the fact that He is committed to us and that He is working things out. 

A lot of us have faced situations where we have wasted our time worrying, and did all sorts of things all to help ourselves all to no avail, only to wonder why we wasted our time worrying when things were resolved so simply when God “showed up”. We chastise ourselves for not having waited patiently, without anxiety, trusting God to act – which is the state that God wants us to be in no matter how bad circumstances may be. This attitude will keep us unmoved and confident, much like someone who had been guaranteed a job by the CEO, who only knows that turning up for an interview is a mere formality. That is how we ought to conduct ourselves as believers. Because God is in charge and always at work, we can have our hearts assured rather than worrying. If we do not have the perspective that God is bigger than our situations, it will be extremely difficult for us not to worry. We should never repose our confidence in man, for vain is the help of man. There are several circumstances in life such as terminal diseases which show the helplessness of man. Consequently, our confidence should always be in the living God. The fact that things are not working our way does not mean we should be fretting. It is only a matter of time; God will come in His own time. Our challenges are not unique to us; several others have experienced same or similar challenges. We should keep trusting in God.

Furthermore, we should always have at the back of our minds before praying that God has a purpose for everything. There is a reason why He allows trials to come our way, though we may not immediately comprehend it. Mindful of that reality, rather than questioning Him we ought to trust in Him. We may not know how things will be in the future, yet we should trust in the living God who is in charge of our lives, circumstances, and the future. When we adopt these attitudes our outlook will be positive and we shall experience peace even amidst turmoil (Php 4:7) -  a peace which defies earthly logic which only God can give. This can only happen when our trust is in God and not in Man. God has a plan and purpose for us and it will be good – ultimately. God works through us and He will bring forth His counsel and reveal His glory in our lives, even amidst our circumstances. He does not work arbitrarily and everything in the world – our circumstances, us and the universe, works together to fulfill the good pleasure of His will. We ought to see things this way so that we can make progress believing that He can do absolutely anything.

This is the right frame of mind which will enable us derive comfort in the place of prayer. Before we pray, we should ask ourselves if we really believe in our God, the God of all possibilities (Heb 11:6). Is our trust in Him alone? We live in an age where there is a tendency to trust in many things – our intelligence, our grade, our plans, our visions, our connections, our certificates, men, etc. It is no wonder that our plains fail to work out according to plan. We must always remember that God is the One in charge of our lives. We need to pause and return to dependence on God, and ascertaining what He will have us do in every situation. If truly we believe in the Person of God and believe that with Him nothing is impossible, then we should allow Him have His way in our lives. We need to always subject ourselves to seeing His will realized in our lives, irrespective of our well-laid plans, rather than suffering the repercussions of living outside His will.

As believers we need to come to terms with the sovereignty of God and His all-sufficiency. It is only when we do this that we can live our lives without being anxious when faced with contrary situations. Rather than being anxious, we should talk to God and let Him have our burdens in prayer. Is it a job we are looking for, we should trust in God. Is it a child, we should never let our trust in God wane.  We saw God fulfil His promise of a child to Abraham, despite his faith wavering, and despite his attempt at self help by sleeping with Hagar. God came through at His own time. That is the kind of God that we serve. He is ever faithful to His word. He might not do it the way we expect it, but He will fulfill His promise because faithfulness is His very nature - He cannot deny Himself. He does things according to His own plan and His own season. There is a time and season for Him to do what He wants to do in our lives, which we can be rest assured will not pass us by. However, we need to keep our trust in God. He is the only One that will never fail us.  

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