Tuesday, 4 October 2011


Boye muttered some words, “God please let it be a beautiful day and thank you for the night” That was all the prayer he made as he put on his shirt and knot his tie. He rushed out of the house into the rowdy, noisy and busy street hopping from bus to bus with his mind on nothing else but work. So mush in a hurry as he took the stairs leading to this personal office which he shares with a colleague. All he did was to say “hi” casually to some people on the way. This routine lifestyle continues from Monday to Friday every week and on Saturday he is even busier preparing for the week. So, he is left with Sunday most of which he spent resting apart from the 8th through out the 11th hour( time for church service) which he sees as his only opportunity to worship God—Moment he cannot trade for any thing for he enjoys the fellowship of God and other brethren.

     One Monday morning, he hurries again into his office and there he sat when the news came that Mr Sabastain-his partner in the office died over the weekend - “Impossible!” Boye exclaimed “What happened? He asked Clara his secretary who related the story to him.
“The growth finally killed him” she answered “What growth? Boye asked. The  growth on his back” She paused a little with a questioning look on her face, hesitated a little and then continued  “That which makes him sigh painfully whenever he is hugged” she replied. “Oh, that’s true, I never really hugged him” Boye replied in shame. Bowed his head a little and looked out through the office window lost in his thought. In regret, he began to talk to himself “What a wasteful use of my time? For time spent on anything else than on showing love to others is but waste“Hmmmm” he sighed

Perhaps, if Boye had made out just a little time for his friend, maybe he would have known the solution to his problem. Maybe he would have referred his friend to someone who could help.
Maybe through the sharing of the word his colleague would have been healed- and saved too, maybe just maybe...

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