Thursday, 22 December 2011

IN THE EVIL DAYS (Eph 5:16, 6:10-18)

When we see a scripture like Eph 5:16 which describe the days as evil, and Eph 6:13, which talks about the evil day, it begs the question – “What are the evil days?”  From scriptures, the days we live in are the evil days. The days are evil because of the evil world system orchestrated by the Devil, which is against the cause of Christians and Christianity. It is a major cause of the antagonism, battles, temptations and contrary situations and several challenges that assail us on several fronts. If there is anytime we need to walk as believers circumspectly, it is the days that we live in – for scriptures tell us how to walk in these evil days (Eph 5:15-16].

There could be a tendency to see the things that happen to us as accidental. But it is key for us to know that nothing happens to us by accident. As believers our lives and the circumstances that we face are predicated on God’s purpose, such that even when we face contrary situations, God’s purpose is to bring out the best in us. There is a perspective to adopt when we face situations in life, whether good or bad. It is important that we have a proper approach to facing the things that come our way. An understanding of the way the world system functions is strategic, if we are not to focus on the wrong things. For example, there is a tendency to focus on people who we consider enemies and situations, without looking beyond them to the real cause – the world system and its wiles orchestrated by the Devil.

Ephesians 6 speaks of the wiles of the Devil. This connotes subtlety and deceitfulness. The system of this world operates in such a way that you are ensnared and taken unawares before you realize it. For example work is legitimate and bible encourages it, but there are some work places and demands which could constitute a stumbling block to our spiritual progress. There is a way to work and a way not to work. A backslidden state could gradually creep in when because of work demands a believer does not have time for study of God’s word, prayers, fellowship. Alternatively, it could be through wasting time on fleshly pleasures, films, internet and other things which we fill our minds with, which affects our thought life and decisions and reactions to circumstances beyond what we realize. These are some of the subtle means the Devil uses which we are often unaware of. Doubtless, the Devil is a great schemer, but for God through His Spirit within us, we have the greatest edge we ever need. To stand against the wiles of the devil in the evil day, Bible instructs us to put on the whole armour of God (Eph 6:11).

The instruction about putting on the whole armour of God in Ephesians 6:11 is prefaced by the charge for believers to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might in Ephesians 6:10. This is instructive as it emphasizes the God-factor as the key to our triumph when faced with challenges of the evil day. When you see your strength in the living God you can counter and overcome whatever wiles come your way. Your confidence should be in the Lord, knowing that all power is in His hands (Mt 28:17). Focus should therefore never be on the wiles, on a sin problem, but on the Lord. Furthermore, the responsibility of putting on the whole armour of God is on the believer, not on God or of the pastors. It is something which the believer must do himself. It must also be something that must be done on a continual basis.

Before examining the pieces or constituents of the Christian armour, it is important to see the emphasis that scriptures put on the word, “stand”. Thrice in Eph 6:11, 13, and 14 the word is repeated. In essence it is a war won by standing – standing in the faith.

Elements of Christian armour
Truth [Eph 6:14]:  The state of the heart answering to God's truth; inward, practical acknowledgment of the truth as it is in Him: the agreement of our convictions with God's revelation. Secondarily, it involves truthfulness, sincerity, straightforwardness (Col 3:9, Eph 4:25). Without truth we cannot stand against the wiles of the Devil.
Breastplate of righteousness [Eph 6:14]:  The breastplate protected the heart of the Roman soldier. In the same way, we are to allow the consciousness of the righteousness we obtained in Christ pervade and guard our hearts
Gospel of peace [Eph 6:15]: The same way the shoes of the Roman soldier protected his feet, and gave him surefooting, we are to allow the gospel do the same for us. The gospel breeds confidence, assurance and peace, irrespective of whatever circumstances we find ourselves (Rom 8:37-39)
Shield of faith [Eph 6:16]: This essentially speak of allowing trust and confidence in the ability of the living God be act as a shield of defence against the assault and wiles of the Devil, much the same way the shield of the Roman soldier was his defense from the fiery darts (arrows) of the enemy. We should let our faith/trust be in God. You know your trust is in God when a situation threatens to overwhelm you, but you are quick to rely on God alone, and not on anything external. We should realize that trust in the living God will never fail. Man could fail, but He that believes in Him will never be put to shame.
Helmet of salvation [Eph 6:17]:   The head is a critical part of the body, and the helmet offered protection for the head of the Roman soldier. For the believer, against the wiles of the Devil, and in spiritual warfare, salvation should play the critical role of the helmet. Consciousness of the integrity, security and reality of our salvation is an extremely potent weapon of defence against the wiles of the Devil.
The Sword of the Spirit [Eph 6:17]:  The weapon of offense, attack and advancement of the Roman soldier was the sword. In a spiritual sense, the equivalent for the believer is the word of God. This brings to the fore the importance of consistent study and application of the word of God. It programmes us to react appropriately when the wiles come, as they inevitably always do
If we are to stand in the evil days that we live in, we should learn to rely always on the strength of the Lord and put on His armour at all times. Finally, we should also bear in mind that it is our responsibility and not God’s or any other person to equip ourselves with that armour at all times.

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